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miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

When my son started of toilet training

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When my son started of toilet training?

Sphincter control is situations that sometimes arouses great anxiety in parents and get to create situations of tension with their children, even lends itself to competition among other children of the same age, thus qualifying the degree of psycho-motor development, obedience, stimulation, etc.., often being secondary to this den attitude of child maltreatment.

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How old of toilet training starts?

   The age of onset of bladder sphincter control (urine) and anal varies from one child to another, but generally range from 18 to 24 months, in fact, this depends on the maturity and development of muscles and nerves make possible the voluntary control of the sphincters, control of defecation is usually the first thing bladder sphincter which can start as a child's discomfort in the presence of a dirty diaper, this is more marked when stool by tolerating longer a wet diaper with urine.
  The age of onset of toilet training may also vary according to the degree of stimulation and belief that mothers have on the small to achieve, the environment around you and the pressure around him.

Are there other factors besides physical maturity,
 involved in controlling sphincters?

    Yes, in fact not only the proper physical part in the sphincter control, involving the mother-child relationship, the participation of others who are in the care of children, if those who are responsible for setting limits, besides those in charge of stimulating or maintaining a cordial relationship, without abuse or pressure to gain control early. Group activities that take place in nurseries are invested heavily in the span of control, as long as these activities are given under a friendly atmosphere, without the participation of punishment, force or ridicule does not help children achieve the desired goal. Bowel habits also play an important role, as a child with constipation usually present pain with bowel movements and whenever possible try to avoid it, which make it difficult to control the process, also children suffering with acute intermittent diarrhea,  could present apparent setbacks when controlled and suddenly become incontinent because of the urgency to evacuate.

How I can start training my son for control of sphincters?

 It is very important to make the process of toilet training is something natural, not forced, to make the child see other people make use of the toilet, familiar with the toilet or urinal ( toilet) to be used, which does not generate anxiety. Perform this activity in groups when they go to day care favors the process, make positive the child begins to notice when toilet will make you realize that was a positive, but should not make excessive manifestations, we must remember that it is just a learning process, as eating with utensils, for example, so that we will not focus so much attention in the process.
Comfortable clothing should be used to supply the small shed it when you feel the urge to urinate or evacuate, the breeches coach can be helpful, or tight clothing can impede complicated maneuvers when the child is not yet available and urgency much control to wait to take off her clothes and "you do not beat the piss". Promoting a calendar is a measure that helps the habit, that is, if we know the pattern of a child's bowel movements and often defecate know two or three times a day, you may be invited to go to the bathroom or toilet at the time, to try to get used to using the facilities.
   If there is no regular schedule, try to know the signs that a child says when wants to urinate or even when they begin to be isolated in order to defecate somewhere, that's when you can, subtly, to take bath, preventing urination inhibit you desire (urinate) or evacuate, that is, avoid phrases like "Hurry before you win"

What steps should I avoid to achieve adequate bowel control?

It is vital to avoid hostile and aggressive behavior, not to compare with other children or publicly ridicule or put in evidence, avoid shocks or punishment, as this will only generate anxiety in the child and impairs the mother-child relationship, sometimes the difficulty in the process of toilet training results in voluntary retention of urine and feces, which then evolves to health problems.
In the process of education for the start of bowel control intervenes proper physical development, a proper family environment and social environment, in general, to provide as natural an event as this.

What a child needs to gain 

  •     Initiatives are respected.
  •     Trust in your abilities.
  •     Respect the rhythms of development.
  •     Feeling "sustained" and "content" for emotional security networks with stable, continuous, warm.
  • Accompany the development of self-efficacy and self-esteem that encourage:
  • Exploring their own abilities
  • The appropriation of the rules of behavior and customs of the society in which they are raised, educated and grows.
  • The appropriation of the value system of family and community
  • Login to the system of limits and prohibitions.
  • Be accompanied with comprehensive empathy in their efforts.
  • Respect the initiative to assume responsibility that increasingly successfully positioned against expected by adults
  • Awareness of self, using the  I and mine.
  • Possess communication language. (To be treated)
  • Having notion of basic body plan. (Arms, legs, head, belly, tail, etc..
  • Recognize the concepts of up, down, inside out, front back.
  • Having experiences of first elections (clothes, toys)
  • Having previous experience some goodbyes (pacifier, bottle, cot with bars).
  • Owning motor skills that allow bending, turning, up, down, jump.
  • Have the ability to get on and off the pants, underpants or panties alone or alone. 


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